What is Health? Definition and Overview

"I would rather be healthy than rich," Cicero is said to have said more than 2000 years ago. However, what is actually behind the much-used term health, which the World Health Organization calls attention every year on April 7?

The word health derives from the Germanic (ga) Sunday, which means as healthy and robust. Today, health is synonymous with unrestricted performance in everyday life. The word health is also available only as a deposit. So there is only one health and not several.

Health is socially positive both as a word and as a state or process, as it forms the basis for fulfilling the roles and tasks for which an individual has been socialized.


According to the meaning of WHO, health is, on the one hand, the "state of complete physical, mental and social well-being", but on the other hand also a "fundamental human right".

-Defining health is a challenging project, because health is, on the one hand, an individual condition that everyone feels differently and on the other hand means a finding determined externally, mostly By medicine. However, some features and factors are repeatedly referred to in the context of health.

-Health seems, at least many experts agree to be more than the absence of disease. Wellbeing, well-being, and unrestricted ability to act are part of the content of the health. Pain and physical restrictions of any kind are more likely to be attributed to illness.

Health is defined by the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) as follows:

"Health is a state of complete, physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of disease and ailments."

-Health is thus understood as an essential part of daily life, but not defined as a priority life goal. This is how the absence of hygiene is consciously perceived. Healthy children and adolescents, for example, can only understand health abstractly, but illness - from an appropriate age - can be very deliberately and precisely experienced and even described.

-A health awareness arises only through the direct or indirect experience of illness in the course of a lifetime. Healthy, strong, powerful.

-Health is not a definite finding but lies vaguely on the continuum between a barely attainable "ideal vital state" and its counterpoint, death.

-Clinically, the concept of health is often reduced to the dimension of the physical and is understood as the "absence of disease."

-The embarrassment concept of "disability characterizes the transitional area between the two states." In social ethics, on the other hand, health as a "higher good" is an ideal strongly associated with the concept of happiness.

-Regardless of the context of meaning, health is, above all, a subjective state of affairs away from diagnostic verifiability. Here, illness and health are united by gray areas: one can be ill, but - especially in the absence of symptoms - feel healthy. Conversely, a patient may feel sick, but from a clinical perspective, be completely healthy.


Health is generally desirable and worthy Of protection. To be healthy and to stay, certain factors are meaningful: the predisposition of man, his way of life, the community in which he lives and his environment.

-Genetic equipment and physical conditions, but also habits, such as the movement or eating behavior. Besides, the life story and consequent experiences and feelings are decisive. The social factors that can affect health care family, partnerships and friendships, colleagues or employment relationships, but also the pursuit of hobbies and other meaningful activities in the community.

-An excellent social bond is healthy. The health-influencing environmental factors are the air, the drinking water, the living conditions, the nutritional possibilities, and the pollutants surrounding The person. However, also noise, dirt or darkness can be pathogenic factors of the environment.