health meaning, health definition, What is health

Health Meaning:

According to the definition of WHO (World Health Organization), health is defined as a state of complete well-being, including the physical, mental, social, environmental. So health is not only being sick or suffering from a disability. It is a relative notion, felt by each individual. No real measure can measure health since health is the fact of satisfying all its needs (emotional, nutritional, relational, health).

Health Definition:

State of the healthy, who is well; the permanent and An easy exercise of all the functions of the economy.

-Healthful state, speaking of a city, a country, as opposed to an epidemic disease. 

-Health officer, doctor of a lower order, in that he is asked less knowledge than doctors.

-Health service, doctors and surgeons attached to the function of the king, the emperor, a prince.

-House of health, a house where one receives patients for an agreed price.

-Body of health, the agency responsible for the medical service in the army, in the navy.

-Place, house of health or, absolutely, the health, designated home where one carries the plague, and where one retains those who come from locations suspected of disease (this denomination has aged, see).

 What is WHO?

As stated in its constitution, WHO aims to bring all people to the highest level of health.

WHO is led by the 192 Member States meeting at the World Health Assembly. This assembly is composed of the delegates representing the Member States.

Examples of WHO actions
Examples of WHO's efforts include:

Infectious diseases:

WHO works with States to promote the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, such as HIV-AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases.

Surveillance and alert:

WHO monitors the world health situation and issues alerts in the event Of epidemics. For example, in February 2016, the WHO declared that the Zika the outbreak was a public health emergency of global concern, and on November 2016 the organization considered that this epidemic was no longer a global emergency.


 WHO is working on expanding immunization coverage in countries in need. This is done, for example, under the Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020.


WHO is actively involved in public health research, for example through IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) in Lyon.

Access to medicines:

 WHO works for access to essential medicines for all. For example, in the case of lymphatic filariasis, WHO launched the Global Program for the Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis in 2000, with a large-scale treatment. From 2000 to 2015, more than 6.2 billion treatments were delivered to approximately 820 million people in 64 countries.


-The health of the mind. The health of the soul.
-Action to drink to someone in a meal, wishing him health.
-Body health, popular name, in Paris, watercress.