
It is the action of developing a set of knowledge and moral, physical, intellectual, scientific values. Considered essential to achieve the desired level of culture.

It helps to transmit from one generation to another the culture necessary for the development of the personality and the social integration of the individual.

Child Education:

The art of training a person, especially a child or adolescent is based on family, school, society, but also on personal reading and the use of media such As television or the Internet. The organization of teaching has for a long time has been the monopoly of religions, which have thus been able to pass on their worldview and morality from generation to generation.

Physical Education:

Set of physical and sports exercises designed to ensure the harmonious development of the body.

It is significant for our Body. If you want to be healthy for a lifetime, so you need to focus on your Physical health.

What are the secrets of Education?

Is Education key to success:

If we talk about Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Daniel Zhang, Jack ma, and many more successful people, The reason behind their success is Education. It's not the name of reading books, Going to university/college/schools, etc. It's the name of (FREEDOM).

We can learn it from anyone by listening, watching videos, Observing peoples, etc.

What are the secrets of Education?


Bill Gates:

The William Henry Gates III is Associate in Nursing yank business power, investor, an author, Giver and humanitarian. He is best called the principal the father of Microsoft Corporation.

Mark  Zuckerberg:

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is AN yank technology Enterprise and donor. Zuckerberg is known for co-founding and leading Facebook as its chairman and chief executive officer. He additionally co-founded and maybe a member of the star sail orbiter development project Breakthrough Stars.

Daniel Zhang:

Daniel Zhang or Zhang Yong is the business executive of Alibaba clusters. Before changing into the business executive, Zhang was best known for his roles as CEO of Taobao and president of Tmall.

Jack Ma:

Jack Ma, maybe a Chinese business power, investor, politician, and philanthropist. He is the co-founder and govt chair of Alibaba cluster, a multinational technology conglomerate. Ma may be a robust someone of AN open and market-driven economy.

What are the secrets of Education?

Secrets knowledge:

As mentioned in the above Paragraph: It is not the name of reading books, Going to university/college/schools, etc. It's the name of “FREEDOM.” Learning can be learned from anyone by listening, watching videos, Observing peoples, etc 

There are 03 Secrets:

01- Observe
02- Videos
03- Make your Notes


Observation It is the best source of learning. It can be anything, e.g., People’s attitude, How to be confident, how to talk confidently, how to sit, how to speak confidently, etc. 

Tip: Observe everyone but take inspiration from effective ones.


Nowadays We are living in the modern era. The best source of learning is Watching Videos. There are many platforms where you can educate yourself by watch videos by searching your desired topic on youtubeVimeodaily motion, etc.

The most significant benefit of learning from watching videos is, “you can watch the video by Pausing, Repeating, etc. 

What are the secrets of Education?


One of the Best Practice and It is just not useful in making your own stuff, It is also beneficial in remembering the things you have learned. When you write something from your hands, it remains in our mind, and sometimes you don’t even recognize where you have learned, but it remember in your account.