Benefits of Exercise Essay

Exercise - essential for maintaining health:

"Many People say that exercising twice a week is enough to stay healthy and energized. Others say exercise for at least 5 minutes daily. Many people say not to drink alcohol because it causes cancer. Others say that drinking alcohol because it reduces the risk of developing heart disease. Are you tired of hearing such suggestions? Scientists investigate and sometimes say the same thing is good. Well, one moment they say that drinking coffee is harmful to health, and the next moment they say that coffee is a healthy thing. Is changing? ”

- Dr. Babra Brim, a professor of research on exercise. Health experts often disagree on what is beneficial and what is harmful in maintaining health - when their differences are published, people do not understand what they should do to stay healthy. For one thing, all experts agree, and that regular exercise is essential for good health.

People living in developed countries, in particular, spend most of their time sitting, which can harm their health, but in olden times people in these countries According to a tradition, people in ancient Greece and Rome usually lost their lives and worked hard to earn a Living by working hard in such professions as farming. He died at the age of eight.

"(Encyclopedia Britannica) However, nowadays, in developed countries, people usually live for about six years. What is the reason?

The effect of modern inventions:

In our time, people's health is better than they used to be in the past, and they live longer. Scientists have invented things that have changed the course of our mysteries. In the past, I had to work hard today. Machines are doing this. Besides, there has been much progress in the field of medicine, which can cure dangerous diseases, and people are more healthy, but there is another aspect to this development.

Many people are not accustomed to walking because of modern technology, a US company that seeks to increase awareness of heart diseases among people, said in its report: "People's lives Changes in the number of heart patients are increasing, for example, people's incomes are increasing, they are leaving villages and settling in cities and farming. Instead of doing so, they have started to work in factories. ”According to the report, the main reason for heart disease is“ people are not active, and they are eating more sweet and fatty foods. "

In many countries, more than two years ago, most people used bicycles to move from one place to another, walk day and night to earn a Living, but today, these grandchildren are small. Motors use cars for work, spend most of the day sitting in the office and watching television in the evenings in the evenings.

What are the benefits of exercise essay

In Sweden, the countrymen used to do hard labor day in and day out, cutting trees and cutting timber, but now they do the same with machines, as in ancient times, people Used to build roads and repair Them through batches. However, today in developing countries, this is done with large machines.
In China, people used bicycles to move from one place to another, but now they are more likely to use scooters.
Innovative inventions are also increasing the number of children who spend most of their time instead of playing. According to one review, "so many interesting video games are being made today that kids are obsessed with playing them all day long." Moreover, the same is true of television and other inventions.

The dangers of obesity:

As we have seen, people nowadays do not have to work so hard to make ends meet, but some problems arise. For example, according to a UK medical institution. Children who spend all their time sitting are often prone to anxiety, stress, and feelings of stress. These babies are more at risk of smoking and taking drugs than children.

In the same Way, employees who do not have to work hard get paid more because of sickness than others. As people get older, they become more vulnerable as they get older. "They need the help of others. In this case, their mental state can be badly affected."

Malik, a Canadian-based organization, researches on people's energy conservation, says the president of the organization, "While working, Canadians no longer have to work as hard as they used to. In general, people here are not accustomed to working"According to a newspaper,"

01 percent of Canada's population is obese. About 5% of Canada's adult population spends most of their time sitting. A doctor at a university in Finland said: "Patients who have Type II diabetes worldwide due to lack of exercise and severe obesity. The number of people is growing fast. "

According to a report in Hong Kong, people over the age of 6 are killed when Six percent of those deaths are because they rarely walk and exercise, says the professor who recorded the report, "Cigarette smoking It is the leading cause of death among Chinese people in Hong Kong. No, it is a lack of exercise and the same will be real of the rest of China in the future. "

Lack of exercise:

Is lack of exercise more dangerous to our health than smoking? Yes, research has shown that people who don't work hard and suffer from other life-threatening illnesses, such as hypertension, stroke, Heart attacks, several types of cancer, osteoporosis, and severe obesity.

According to an eminent US newspaper: "The number of people worldwide is increasing Are obese or suffer from severe obesity. This is also true of countries whose majority of the population does not provide good food. Moreover, the Walking Dead. ”(The Wall Street Journal) A Swedish university professor agrees, stating that" there is no country where the number of people with severe obesity is high. " Is not increasing. "

A global problem these things show that regular exercise is essential to maintain your health and energy, but most people do not even know it - an organization that works on preventing and treating heart diseases in developing countries. Seeks to control it, says that 3 to 5 percent of the world's population does not exercise as much as they should to maintain health. They have a higher number of women and girls. Also, two-thirds of children suffer from a lack of exercise. " 40% of the time spent sitting, and almost half of the young people do not exercise regularly.

When  European countries When I looked at how people behave, it was found that most of the people there do not exercise, for example, 5% of Sweden and 5% of Portugal does not. The World Health Organization says, "Everywhere in the world, people go to health check-ups, this is the result." Every year, millions of people die of such diseases.

There is a lack of exercise studies:

Experts around the world are concerned about the results of these studies, so many governments have launched programs in their country To inform people of the benefits of exercise.

For example, the governments of Australia, Japan, and the United States It is desirable that their people should exercise only 2% more time than before, and that the Scottish Government is trying to get regular exercise by 5% of the total adult Population by that Year. According to a report, "the other countries that issue exercise programs at the national level are Mexico, Brazil, Jamaica, New Zealand, Finland, Russia, Morocco, Vietnam, South Africa, and Slovenia."

In spite of all these efforts, we must recognize that it is each individual's responsibility to take care of health So ask yourself: 'How Much do I do during the day, is it enough? Do I exercise regularly, and if not, what changes do I make in my life? Can I bring this up? 'This will be explained in the next article.

A report in the United States that alerts people to the dangers of heart diseases said, "Lack of exercise makes people more likely to have heart and blood vessel diseases." They are also 5% more likely to develop and have hypertension than other people. It does. "

The burden on society:

When people become ill because of short walks, their responsibility is On community. Consider some examples of government spending:
Australia's annual medical expenditures are about $ 5, 6, 6, 6 dollars.
Canada has to spend $ 2 billion a year because of its "People are cheap to exercise."